Saturday, September 20, 2008

Room With A View - Harvest

Summer is sending out the last obstinate hours of heat as days grow shorter. Tomatoes and squash from the garden line the kitchen counter, and the catnip forest has started to yellow from the ground up. Soon enough, the maple trees will begin their glorious turning of color, and I will see the steam rising from my morning coffee as I sit outside on the front porch. Autumn is around the bend, and the grateful soil will rest.

Cathy Savels Paintings

Sassy Glassy

ara133 photography

Muddy Fingers

Tiffany Teske

f2 images

Studio Virgo


Uncommon Depth said... 1

Up here in the northern latitudes the leaves are almost finished their colorful display. Snow is in the mountains and it won't be long before we get our first snowfall on the prairies too.

Nice images and items!

Midnightcoiler said... 2

And we will wait another half year to harvest the fruits of the season again. These lovely works remind me of more good things to come in the next cycle. The soil may rest, but we can still dream!

Midnightcoiler said... 3
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Debra Linker said... 4

In the beautiful Pacific Northwest, the leaves are just hinting the beginning of their turn. This is the time when grey skies and gray mist allow the hard wood's deep green leaves their last contrast before they turn quietly dull of color and fall.

Your selection of images is as beautiful as your words. Thank you.

Jean Levert Hood said... 5

These are all gorgeous pieces! I especially love the ones by Debra Linker and Studio Virgo!

Modern Furniture said... 6

Muddy fingers looking nice !!

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