In an Etsy shop overflowing with treasurable images, littlesparrowsnest presents stills of rural life that form a kind of reverie visitors may experience vicariously. Episodic and wistful, the photography of littlesparrowsnest is carefree and positively unassuming. It is as though, in each delicate square of wood block photography, she has managed to distill a single moment into a keepsake, a memento to share. Perhaps the warmth of her photography is due to her generous nature, for, like a number of other Etsy sellers, littlesparrowsnest donates a portion of her profits to charities like Farm Sanctuary and United Way of the Black Hills. Or perhaps the gentle quality of her images is a result of her veganism, which, in an interview with Vegan Etsy, littlesparrowsnest explains is motivated by a combination of humanism, environmental consciousness, and spirituality. Maybe it is simply the landscape of her home, the whispering prairie, that manifests placidity in her photography. Whatever the source, a certain sweetness in littlesparrowsnest’s work does indeed convey the “optimistic hopes and intentions” she speaks of in her Etsy profile, with lovely and (in the opinion of this blogger, at least) inspirational results.

The photos are so lovely.
These are very lovely!!
Those cherries are wild!!
~ Diane Clancy
Oh heavens me, what an absolutely gracious complement to have a feature here on this lovely site. I am moved and enchanted by your sentiments to Little Sparrows Nest, Thank You Kindly!
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