Anyone who has visited my blog knows that I am very connected to nature here at The Olde Farmhouse. I have always relied heavily on it for connection to my spirit, my art and I draw on it daily for inspiration. I was looking through the hundreds of beautiful pieces of art this team has created and my eye was continually drawn to items that nature has given us. Clay from the earth for pottery, Flower petals to adorn candles, Trees for lamp bases, cotton for the yarn we weave, the totes we create, Wood for the beautiful bowls that are turned, Paper for the origami peace birds created to make this world a better place, Silver for the wind chimes that are music in the breeze, photography to capture forever the beauty all around us, And an unending fountain of inspiration for whatever our minds, hearts and hands are willing to create. I am one that believes in expressing gratitude. I want to say thank you to these artists for drawing on the bounties this earth gives us by creating such glorious celebrations of art and beauty! Please visit their individual shops and take a peek and the wonders they have created and while doing so, say a small thank you to Mother Earth for her bounty. With gratitude, Laurie Beggin The Looking Glass
(As a side note, I have EVERY member linked to my blog now. Reciprocal links are welcome! wink)
In trying to load the ENTIRE group of artists I wanted to feature in an Etsi Mini, I was unable to do so. I've posted all of those I refer to here in "My Favorites" Etsy Mini at the bottom of my blog. I don't know why they wouldn't load here. They are fantastic artists and all of their links are in the mini!
Creating lovely things does make one feel closer to nature. Nature is a great inspiration for my items.
My blog is not yet listed in this blog.
Well said! I couldn't agree more, Laurie. I love living with natural art in my home. Thanks for including my lidded gourd bowl.
beautiful things from nature!! I love them all, but especially the spoon chandelier/mobile!! :)
Thanks for leaving your link Jill. I hope you can join us here! It's a great group.
Your gourd is just beautiful Lynn!
The spoon mobile is wonderful! I made a windchime of my grandmothers forks and spoons. The silver has a beautiful tone in the breeze and every time I hear it I think of Grandma Ella! With gratitude, Laurie B.
I'd love to see your old farmhouse, it sounds lovely where you are.
My blog is not listed either.
I'll put you on my bloglist also Janet! ANYONE is welcome at The Olde Farmhouse! I'm off to look at your blogspot now! Would love a reciprocal! With gratitude, Laurie B.
Have added you to my blog - "Links we love" -- more work to do but will also add you to my site!
Wonderful. Yepper, it IS a bunch of work. I have faith that together, we will increase each others businesses. UNITED is a powerful thing!
I joined last week and still need to be added to the site. I am enjoying the post so far and checking out all the other blogs.
Hi Angelia, I'm sure the moderators of Design Guide will get you added here. I'm just a guest author for the day. I WILL, however link you to MY blog. Feel free to link me back to yours! Glad you're enjoying the articles. This is a great and VERY organized group! With Gratitude, Laurie B.
I too, create from my love of Nature. Most of my shop reflects that. Very nice selection!
Merry Meet Valerie!!!!
Well! I should say so! Your shop is wonderful. Just zipped over there and took a look. How mezerizing! Thanks for commenting. I love your work and will take more time looking now. With gratitude, Laurie B.
This is blog is so wonderful!! I love all the featured items--awesome works of art everyone!!:):)
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