Thursday, June 12, 2008

Asian Style Decor

Asian decor is slowly becoming popular nowadays. Western interior design style when decorated with some Asian decoration sometime will create an interesting and lively ambiance. Asian style is a fusion of many influences. Its roots can be distinctly Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, or Indonesian and its heritage ancient or modern. The West has adopted mostly Chinese and Japanese themes, from both traditional and contemporary form. Japanese style tends toward more neutral, minimalist colors, while Chinese style is typically brighter, with lacquer finishes and plenty of red. And for Vietnamese, Thai or Indonesian to have natural tropical plants and floral, and painting may be inspired by daily life or religious belief.

The Asian Style Decor available by InteriorDesignTeam members on Etsy are each having their own identity. Here I've listed a few of the choices.

Orient by Chaanda

Detached by Divinitygardens

Soliloquy by f2images


Renee said...

I love asian style decor! My bedroom has an asian theme and it is so calming and relaxing.

dianeclancy said...

I hadn't realized there were so many Asian influences - though it certainly makes sense!! Thanks for the mini-lesson on the differences between the various types!

Soliloquy is particularly beautiful!!

~ Diane Clancy

dianeclancy said...

I hadn't realized there were so many Asian influences - though it certainly makes sense!! Thanks for the mini-lesson on the differences between the various types!

Soliloquy is particularly beautiful!!

~ Diane Clancy

dianeclancy said...

I hadn't realized there were so many Asian influences - though it certainly makes sense!! Thanks for the mini-lesson on the differences between the various types!

Soliloquy is particularly beautiful!!

~ Diane Clancy

f2images said...

Thank you so much for the feature, and thank you Diane, for the compliment. I am half japanese, and definitely find appeal in asian influenced art, especially minimalistic pieces. The two paintings have such a rich texture and color with beautifully simple lines.

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